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[GWT] XMLHttpRequest cannot load. Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

I am developing an app front end  with GWT and this connect to other app that publish AppEngine Endpoints services. 
(Estoy desarrollando una aplicación  front end con GWT que se conecta a otra app que publica servicios rest en AppEngine usando Google Cloud EndPoints).

But, I is generating some problems (is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.): 
(Pero, esto  me esta generando  algunos problemas).

The app GWT  call endpoint using  RequestBuilder. and the Endpoint app is other app with other domain. and both was deployed in
(La app GWT llama a los servicios rest' endpoints' usando RequestBuilder. y la app endpoint es otra app con otro dominio. Ambas fueron deployadas en

Domains of the Apps: (GWT). (Google Cloud Endpoints).

GWT Code:

public String getDevice(String id) {
String url = URL_SERVICE_BASE + "deviceendpoint/v1/device/get/" + id;
RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, url);"::::::::::::sendRequest:::::::");
try {
builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {"response=" + response.getText() + " request:" + request);
resp = response.getText();
if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
System.out.println("response=" + response.getText());"response=" + response.getText());

public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {"onError response=" + exception.getMessage());
resp = exception.getMessage();
} catch (RequestException e) {"exception=" + e.getMessage());

return resp;

Chrome Console:

After much research in lists, stackoverflow and other forum, solve the problem
(Luego  de mucha investigación en listas y stackoverflow llegue a solucionar el  problema)

Solution: to solve this issue simply assign a variable to your json string into the eval

* Before:

  public static native JavaScriptObject fromJson(String json) /*-{

    return eval("(" + json + ")");

  public final String toJson() {
    return new JSONObject(this).toString();
  protected BaseJso() {

* After: 

public class BaseJso extends JavaScriptObject {

public static native JavaScriptObject fromJson(String json) /*-{
eval('var res = ' + json);
return res;

public final String toJson() {
return new JSONObject(this).toString();

protected BaseJso() {




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